Businesses and Iowans depend on the work of the air quality bureau in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to protect the health of Iowans by ensuring that air emissions meet the standards set out in law.
Iowa businesses turn to the bureau to help them meet these standards and provide them with the approval needed to operate.
DNR’s air quality program plays a vital role in helping bring new businesses to the state. When a company is looking to locate in Iowa, the air quality program will work with them to ensure they have the permits they need and that they can meet air emissions standards when they open for business. When the air quality bureau operates efficiently, it helps bring jobs to the state and enhances Iowa’s image as a great place to do business.
Funding for the air quality program has fallen over the last few years. The program depends on fees assessed on Iowa companies based on their emissions. As companies have reduced emissions and made our air cleaner, their air quality fees have dropped off. This has created budget shortfalls, which hurt the air quality bureau’s ability to efficiently provide businesses with operating permits. Delays prevent companies from expanding their operations and building new facilities, hurting Iowa’s economic growth.
SF 488, a bill to provide adequate funding for DNR’s air quality program, was developed by stakeholders, including businesses and air quality advocates. They developed a funding model for the air quality program that is sustainable and ensures that those who receive services help pay to support those services. The legislation continues stakeholder involvement by requiring DNR to meet with them annually to set the fees that fund the program.
SF 488 is good for Iowa’s air quality, job creation and economic growth. It passed the Senate on a strong bipartisan vote and is now under consideration in the Iowa House.